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2011 Sekiguchi Showa G&S Results

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:07 am
by roselanekoi
Here are the results after judging by Sekiguchi in Japan.

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Congratulations to Ian for rearing a very fine Showa.

Re: 2011 Sekiguchi Showa G&S Results

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:30 am
by roselanekoi
At the November meeting club members voted for the Club Champion and this was won by Mitch Roberts.
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Finally the results for the Tri-Club Competition for the individual winners from the North Wales Koi Club, The East Midlands koi Club and the Midland Koi Association.

Here are the three showa:
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and the overall winner was the very fine Showa from the East Midlands owned by Dave and Jane Hall
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Finally, a big thank you to Richdon Koi for supplying the Sekiguchi Showa and also commiseration's to all those whose fish have not survived.