- 1. Calculate your pond size before you dose your pond
2. Only dose your pond if you have identified the problem.
3.Ensure you know the exact dose rate/gallon for the treatment
4. Do Not mix the treatments unless stated, that includes salt
5. Allow at least a week before using different treatments unless stated.
6. These treatments are NOT to be abused.
7.These treatments can kill your Koi if not used correctly.
- Problem: Tricodina, Costia
Treatment: Potassium Permanganate, treat in the pond
Problem: Gill and Mild bacterial Problems
Treatment: Salt, DO NOT treat in the pond
Problem: White Spot, Chilodonella, Oodinium
Treatment: Malachite and Formalin treat in the pond
Problem: Gill and Body Flukes
Treatment: Fluke 'M' (Kusuri), treat in the pond
If in doubt, seek advice....
North Wales Koi Society holds NO RESPONSIBILITY for abuse or problems occurred from such treatments.
NWKS 2011