Strange deaths...

Water Quality, Treatment Advice
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Strange deaths...

Post by DdraigCymru »

I posted not so long ago about a one finned fish that was ill. I was told to salt it and I did so for 4 days. 3 days after I stopped salting, it died.
Now, back in the main pond, we're losing fish. 1 a day, for at least a week now. They've all been relatively little fish, 2"-10", but now, some of our bigger fish have this strange waxy mucus on their heads.
The first sign that there's trouble is that they stop eating. Then they're lethargic and always near the top; breathing weakly. We've tested the water and it seems fine.
One of the koi also has a white mucus growing on like, the back of every scale. We treated it for bacterial and parasite, and it seems to have done no good.
Any help would be really great, 'cause I'm about ready to cull the whole damn pond. Thank you.
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Re: Strange deaths...

Post by site admin »

Sorry to hear you are still having problems,
Your water test, what are the results for pH,Ammonia and Nitrite?
If your results are OK?
A mucous scrape is then required to see if there are any parasites present, and correct treatment applied.
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Re: Strange deaths...

Post by roselanekoi »


Sorry to hear about your problems. If you've tested the water and it's OK then you need to have a scrape taken and see which parasite ( or parasites) is causing the problem.

From the symptoms you describe it could be one of several types of parasite causing the problem and it's dangerous to guess which treatment to use without confirmation.

You don't say which treatment you have used so far without success. Are you sure you've worked out the dose rate correctly?

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Re: Strange deaths...

Post by site admin »

Having read through your post again, the symptoms that you describe could also indicate Bacterial Gill disease.
But it also could be a parasite infestation, this needs to be investigated with microscopy and the correct treatment for the particular parasite used.
You say that treatment for bacterial and parasites have been used?
If these are normal Garden Centre/Pet shop treatments, they are not strong enough do the job and you are wasting your money?
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